Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Mountain lion visits hunting camp in NY

These pics were recently forwarded to me via e-mail. They were taken of a mountain lion or cougar that visited a hunting camp in Hornell, New York the weekend of Jan. 24th. The owner of the hunting camp "...noticed something had been cleaning out all the food on the deck and in the storage shed. That sunday a rep from the DEC confirmed it was a Cougar. He said there is at least 10 cougars living between Hornell, Corning NY to Wellsboro PA. Each animal can roam a 100sq mile area and usually stay clear of human activity, but in the winter easy food will attract them. He noted this is VERY rare to have one at your door and stay there for 3 photos. This animal may be a problem one , he said. He also estimated the animal is over 100lbs. "

"Also the local radio and tv news didn't seem to care much about this story or the photos. I guess they don't want to cause a scare in that area. Watch your back if you have a camp or cottage in that area. "

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