Tuesday, February 26, 2008

for mom :)

Here are some family photo pages scanned in by my cousin Cathy... Click on each pic to see a larger version.

Friday, February 22, 2008


I am more than ready for winter to be over, and for spring to arrive. Looks like we'll have a few February storms to contend with. This is a shot from one of our video cameras at the house. We are in the midst of getting somewhere between 5-8" of snow today. I'll have to flex those old archaeologist muscles for a little snow shoveling.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What a little talker!

I've been hearing a lot of folks recommend baby bouncers, and we picked one up last night for Declan. This is the first time that he tried it out, and he seemed to thoroughly enjoy the experience. :)

more pics

It's hard to believe, but Declan is already over 3 months old now.

He is getting chubbier cheeks, and definately gaining weight (and height!)

...and a pic of Kodiak, who is now about 6 months old, and getting fluffier by the day.