Saturday, February 05, 2005

Selling Off the Farm

Since I am not working right now, I decided to get rid of some stuff around the house. Unfortunately I'm something of a pack rat, and like to collect things. I don't even know about everything I have here (sounds like the worst product of a consumer society, eh?). There are boxes that Brad and I still haven't opened up from moving from Tampa over 3 years ago. Well, I'm going through all of it. Some of it is being put up for sale on e-bay (22 auctions thus far), a chunk will be put aside for a later sale at the flea market, and the remainder will be donated to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. I am going to apply a simple but effective criteria: If we were going to move to Canada tomorrow, what would I NOT want to bring with us? Our eventual plans for an early retirement include living in a much smaller house, so I suppose I should start to train myself for this early.

I love having a library of hundreds of books like any bibliophile, but it doesn't make sense to hang onto ones I will likely never read again. So let's see... What's on the auction block right now...

A Concise History of American Architecture
Cultural Resource Laws & Practice
This Land is Your Land: The Geographic Evolution of the United States
The Epic of New York City
New Choices in Natural Healing
The Historic Preservation Handbook
The Vintage House Book
Brady's Civil War
The Illustrated History of the Civil War
The Essential Vegetarian Cookbook

OK, I'm going to stop looking now, or I might want to keep some of these books... ;p

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