Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The e-baying continues

I think I have 39 auctions up right now, and there's still more to come. Last time we put this much stuff on e-bay, Brad and I made $3,000 (though he had some expensive stuff as part of that). I'd be happy with a few hundred bucks. Our Sony Mavica camera has been on the decline now for quite some time, so I'm planning to buy a new digital camera with the proceeds. Thus far I'm looking at models in the 5 megapixel range. The strongest contender right now is the Canon Powershot 5.0 (pictured above). I like its small size - 1.9" x 3.6" x 0.7", and it's gotten some good reviews. If anyone has suggestions for another camera we should consider, by all means, please drop me a line. I suspect it will be several weeks before the purchase is going to be made, so I have a lot of time to think about what to get.

In other news, I made it to my 2nd yoga class yesterday. They didn't scare me off the first time! This was a different teacher, and a different crowd. Some of the poses and techniques taught were new. I like this teacher - she is the person who runs the yoga studio, and takes time to make sure all of us are using the correct form. Of course my muscles hurt, and I'm still quite awkward, but I think I like yoga. I bought a card for 10 classes, and went out to Wallyworld and purchased a yoga mat, foam support blocks, a strap, and a Yoga/Pilates workout video. I'm trying to augment this with weight training on the Bowflex, and walking. On Sunday, we visited my mom, and all of us went for a long walk in her development - Brad, my mom, my brother Chris, Tasha the puppy, and me. It was fun. My legs were a little sore afterwards, which was a sign that I'm still out of shape. It's time to get cracking!

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