Friday, January 07, 2005

Weird dreams

Wow, I had some really bizarre dreams last night.

In one of the dreams, I had a twin sister, and an evil family that seemed like something out of the movie 'Lemony Snicket'. The family brought me to the parking lot of a hospital and asked me to get into the back of a 1970s station wagon. Waiting in the back of the station wagon was a little creature that reminded me of Gollum from 'Lord of the Rings'. It was this disformed human (?), about 2 feet tall. The Gollum creature was dressed up like a little doll, and had makeup messily applied to its face (think of The Cure's Robert Smith's smeared lipstick). This little creature was apparently some member of the family that was kept under wraps from the general public - only we knew about it. It was a monster! In the dream, I was aware that I had been tortured and terrifed by this creature during my upbringing, and its very presence turned me into a shivering, crying fool. The family threatened to turn the creature loose on me, and chased me into the hospital with it. I was a hysterical mess.

I didn't realize the hospital was a psychiatric facility. My family had brought me there under false pretenses to have me committed. I told the staff that a little 2 ft. tall creature was going to kill me, which only strengthened my family's argument that I was nuts. The straightjacket was applied, and my family left me there. The Gollum creature was hidden inside someone's coat and whispered to me that I better behave in the hospital or it was going to come and get me.

It's been awhile since I had such bizarre dreams. Perhaps it was something I ate last night?! Yikes!

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