This "little" 9 month old is thankfully healthy and growing very well. He fits into 18 month old clothes right now (mostly), and is in the 78th percentile for weight, and 90th percentile for height. It looks like he is taking after his daddy and will be tall.
Although he has been babbling baby talk for months now, a few days ago Declan spoke his first discernible word. Not surprisingly, it was "doggie"! This was heard as he was reaching out to pet Sitka, one of our Siberian Huskies. Since then we've heard him say it a few more times.
Right now, Declan's favorite things are the doggies, music, and zwieback teething biscuits. He has been teething for months now, and it's hard to keep up with all the new teeth that are coming in. I've counted at least 7!

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