First, this is the view I was met with after returning home from 8 months away in the Army. The area behind the summer kitchen and house had turned into a jungle. This photo was actually taken after I had chopped down a number of 6' weeds in the extreme background, so it was worse than this:

The current situation. Still more work to do, but at least I can walk in this area without being afraid of what I might step upon hidden in the weeds!

In my absence, I was surprised to see that our neighbor had completely remodeled their house (wow)... Since this photo was taken, they have done a lot of landscaping, and added various statuary, a large fountain, etc. I didn't want them to look out their window and see a mess in our yard, so I began a number of projects...

I dug post holes and placed fence posts on this side of the house. The fencing will extend from the summer kitchen wall to the garage, and also in front of the garage. The framed area by the garage will be built out to house an overhang protecting our supply of firewood from the elements.

I've been doing some landscaping in this area of the yard. There was previously a steep dropoff to the right. I've been transferring soil to the right of the photo to create a ramp (we often walk up this hill, and having a gradual ramp is a lot easier and less treacherous). The area to the left of the photo, when flattened, will eventually house a slate deck at ground level and an outdoor stone fireplace/grill, conveniently located outside the kitchen door.

This is some of the slate that I've reclaimed from elsewhere on the property. Most of this was buried deep beneath the dirt, and long forgotten about. These large slabs were not fun to move. I don't think my back has forgiven me yet.

This is another section of slate sidewalk that I found in front of the cellar door. Unfortunately it was broken over the years, but will lend itself well to being incorporated into the planned slate deck/sidewalk on the other side of the house. These horrible 1970s metal Bilco doors to the cellar will eventually be replaced by a set of more appropriate historic wood replacements.

The following photo shows a flat area that I've been excavating behind the garage. In the spring, I plan to plant high and lowbush blueberries, blackberries, and a variety of fruit bushes in this area. I've planted them outside of the fence in case Mr. Bear comes to visit. I'm sure the dogs will be entertained.

This small flattened area by the wheelbarrow will eventually host a chicken coop. Brad has been wanting to have chickens for years! Maybe next year we'll be ready for them.

Now, moving upslope onto the hill... The small deck is where Brad currently performs his martial arts moves in an outdoor setting. I've begun excavating a flat area slightly uphill to give him more room...

A better shot of the area being flattened. This has been absolutely horrible to dig out, and a root nightmare!

We have plans to eventually utilize more of the part of our property that is upslope. This is a small section with nice rock outcrops that I would like to reclaim. It doesn't look like much right now (especially with the house behind it still needing so much work), but it has potential for the future.

And for the last photo... This is a newel post that I salvaged from a house in upstate NY that was to be torn down. At some point Brad is going to incorporate this into our existing main staircase. So many projects... We'll get to them all eventually!